Bruno Maisonnier

Bruno Maisonnier is an engineer and graduate of the École Polytechnique. After founding Aldebaran Robotics, the company behind the educational robot Nao, he launched the artificial intelligence start-up AnotherBrain. His research focuses on using technology to recreate specific brain functions.


From Weak AI to Organic Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has taken center stage in forward-looking discourse on the city. In 2021, anticipating the advent of generative AIs, Bruno Maisonnier distinguishes between weak AI, which is less about intelligence than about computing power, and organic AI, developed on the model of the brain and social insects. Despite the risks inherent in the introduction of any new technology before its use has been regulated, Bruno Maisonnier offers an optimistic view of artificial intelligence, particularly with regard to the optimization of genetic engineering.


Towards an organic Artificial Intelligence

What we are currently calling AI has, in fact, very little to do with intelligence, although it does indeed make use of tremendous memory capabilities and computing power. The leading figure of French robotics, Bruno Maisonnier, is engaged in the challenge of developing an AI operating like a brain, using very little energy and data, while also being capable of justifying decisions. Would this be an AI with self-learning capabilities?


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