Emmanuel Doutriaux

Emmanuel Doutriaux is an architect, designer of domestic and collective environments, art and architecture exhibitions and scenic works. Doctor of architecture (Paris 8 University), teacher-researcher (Paris Val de Seine / Evcau), associate researcher at Gerphau (Paris La Villette), he has co-led the Polygonale research group since its inception in 2005. His work focuses on ambiences, as constructed situations potentiating sensitive perceptions, relationships and common actions. He contributes to theoretical and critical works, specialized journals and opinion media. He is the author of "Conditions d'air, Politique des architectures de l'ambiance", MétisPresses, 2020.


“ Unfortunately, the ambiance is seen as a corrective factor to be dealt with. ”

Air in architecture

Emmanuel Doutriaux


“ Unfortunately, the ambiance is seen as a corrective factor to be dealt with. ”

Air in architecture

The challenges of air in architecture encompass a wide range of considerations that can affect the shape of a building, its degree of openness, the proportion of voids and solids, or the implementation of specific technical solutions. To reconcile seemingly contradictory requirements, such as the tension between energy efficiency and natural ventilation, architects and engineers are redoubling their inventiveness. Air, due to its invisibility, invites us to create an atmosphere and to consider buildings in terms of breathability.


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