Joseph Paradiso

Joseph Paradiso directs the Responsive Environments Group at MIT MediaLab, which explores the world of sensors to increase the spatial experience and its sensitive perception. He co-directs the Think Tank "Things That Think" whose goal is to invent the future of objects and digitally enhanced environments.


Sensors "Visceralization"

Joseph Paradiso


Sensors "Visceralization"

Urban responses to environmental issues are split between advocates of a return to/of nature and those who promote the technological solutions of the smart city, based on sensors and data. Joseph Paradiso, Director of the Responsive Environments Group at MIT, studies the interactions between individuals and computing technology. He explains how portable electronic sensors known as wearables allow access to a set of data that modify our experience of space and profoundly impacts the built environment. Electronic interfaces autonomously determine our needs, permitting the optimization of comfort and energy consumption. He sees a world of information becoming established in the real world, articulating wearables in real time with the general digital infrastructure. Carrying this virtual bubble along with us will even cause the notion itself of the individual to be modified. The roles of the virtual and the real also seem destined to change in his opinion, accompanying a “visceralization” of sensors and the digital, source of an increase in power of our sensorial capacities.


Towards responsive environments

In this interview at the MIT Media Lab in Boston, Joseph Paradiso provides us with fascinating insights on “responsive” environments. Sensors and wearable technologies provide new interaction opportunities between humans and their surrounding spaces. Building systems, rather than being actively controlled by users, are starting to infer their needs in order to create perfect conditions for their different activities, from working to relaxing. These interfaces of the future are ultimately raising the question of the boundary between humans and technologies, and how they can be augmented by it. More info here :


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