Louise Raguet

Describing herself as a designer of ecological sanitation, a profession this graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure invented, Louise Raguet has made the taboo subject of human excrement management her specialty. She accompanies urban projects such as Saint-Vincent-de-Paul in Paris, manages the "Enville" project for the Laboratoire Eau, Environnement, Systèmes Urbains (Leesu) at the Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, and is a member of the design collective L'Assemblée des noues. The latter works on the development of agro-ecological practices, such as viti-pastoralism, which consists of installing sheep between the vines in winter to graze the grass while fertilizing the soil with their excrement.


“ Making the most out of urine in agriculture isn't a technological or technical issue, it's a matter of social organization. ”


“ Making the most out of urine in agriculture isn't a technological or technical issue, it's a matter of social organization. ”

Recycling urine to fertilize the soil

Since urine is an inexhaustible ecological fertilizer, why not use it instead of chemical fertilizers that are expensive to produce? Designer Louise Raguet suggests bringing back to the fields what has been collected there. Her research with the LEESU laboratory (École des Ponts) has led her to develop a unique project: urine separation in the future Saint-Vincent de Paul district of Paris.


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