The interdisciplinary research group Life in the Making is composed of anthropologists, chemists, biologists, historians, and artists... who work on different research programs: "Anthropology of Life" (Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, Collège de France), "Origins and Conditions for the Emergence of Life" (IRIS OCAV, PSL), Closed Systems and Modeling of Life (SYVIE, MITI CNRS), "Imitation of Living Beings and Modeling of Life" (IMOVIE, MITI CNRS), "Domestication and the Making of the Living" (DFV, CNRS/PSL site nursery).The project leaders are the anthropologist Perig Pitrou (CNRS- Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, Collège de France) and the chemist Ludovic Jullien (CNRS-ENS-UPMC PASTEUR).


Living Beings

La Vie à l’œuvre (Life in the Making), a collective of researchers in the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, as well as artists, was set up at the Université Paris Sciences & Lettres in 2014 to explore interdisciplinary collective intelligence around the theme of the living. Functioning as an incubator of ideas, they explore the potential of living beings, particularly via experiments between art and science. A Stream 05 – New Intelligences article to discover!


Collective Intelligence in the Making

Collective intelligence has become key to understanding and acting upon the complexity of the contemporary world. But how can the conditions for its advent be brought about? Originating in PSL, the “Life in the Making” collective, which brings together researchers in natural sciences, in the humanities, as well as artists, has been exploring this dialogue between intelligences around the theme of the living since 2014. By operating through a flexible framework, the collective has developed a praxis of interdisciplinary collective intelligence—all the while establishing new insights on life, in particular through experimentations between art and science.


Collective Intelligence in The Making

Collective intelligence has become key to understanding and acting upon the complexity of the contemporary world. But how can the conditions for its advent be brought about? Originating in PSL, the “Life in the Making” collective, which brings together researchers in natural sciences, in the humanities, as well as artists, has been exploring this dialogue between intelligences around the theme of the living since 2014. By operating through a flexible framework, the collective has developed a praxis of interdisciplinary collective intelligence—all the while establishing new insights on life, in particular through experimentations between art and science.


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Eager to share more generously the results of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM publishes STREAM VOICES, its online magazine!

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