Marion Waller

Marion Waller is advisor to Jean-Louis Missika, deputy mayor of Paris, in charge of urban planning, innovation and attractiveness issues. Following a double training in environmental philosophy and urban planning at Sciences Po and the École Normale Supérieure, she published a book entitled Artefacts naturels (L'éclat, 2016).


"Natural Artifacts" and Urban Ecosystems

The popularity of projects that seek to reintegrate plant-life into the city raises questions around our definitions of the natural and the artificial. Combining research in the field of environmental philosophy with her urban planning practice, Marion Waller has developed the concept of the “natural artifact.” It is a matter of providing an ethical and political framework for man-made objects that “resemble” nature and that possess autonomy. Waller’s analysis flies in the face of the common vision whereby every human intervention on the environment is ontologically negative, emphasizing the importance of reinforcing the links between man and nature by multiplying the number of hybrids. In this way, natural artifacts become a model in urban planning practice, reducing the opposition between city and nature. Rather than trying to “restore” and sanctuarize nature, it invites us to accept the modification of the living, reintegrating it into the city according to a model of “rehabilitation,” by increasing the opportunities for interactions between ecosystems and by interweaving diverse environments within the urban space.


Can there be a "gardening" of cities?

Marion Waller studied the environmental philosophy and urbanism at Sciences Po and the École Normale Supérieure. In 2016, she published Artefacts naturels (Natural Artifacts). The purpose of this book is to give a frame to entities – “objects” – that are intentionally created by men but which can be related to natural processes and are likely to to acquire autonomy as a natural object. This notion of natural artifact allows us to rethink the practice of urban planning, reducing the opposition between city and nature. Marion Waller is also advisor to Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of urban planning, innovation and attractiveness issues.


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