Patrick Bouchain
architect and scenographer
“ Building cities, deconstructing methods. ”
“ Building cities, deconstructing methods. ”
Building cities, deconstructing methods
Through the act of building, architect, experimenter and 2019 Grand Prix de l’urbanisme Patrick Bouchain questions public commissioning and puts it to the test of reality. His comments echo those of Philippe Chiambaretta in Faire la ville autrement, recently published by Flammarion.
“ Building the City, Deconstructing the Method. ”
“ Building the City, Deconstructing the Method. ”
Building the City, Deconstructing the Method
Through the act of building, architect and Grand prix de l’urbanisme 2019 laureate Patrick Bouchain reconsiders public procurement and puts it to the test of reality. He outlines his experimental Université Foraine project of an itinerant university promoting open, citizen-centric programming. Read transcript A PCA-STREAM production Coordination: Jasmine Léonardon Editing: Mattéo Caranta Music: Alexandre Desplat

Architecture is a collaborative system
Patrick Bouchain is a committed architect and scenographer, for whom architecture must respond to concern for the general interest. He is the founder of the Construire agency. He integrates research and collaboration into his architectural approach, working in particular with contemporary artists. We questioned him in the documentary “PCA-STREAM: from research to action”. Here he shares his vision of the role of the architect, of the importance of research in understanding the framework in which he operates. In particular, he deals with the question of the commission model, from the way of receiving it to the construction of the project.
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Eager to share more generously the results of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM publishes STREAM VOICES, its online magazine!