Pierre Musso

Philosopher, PhD in political sciences, professor of information and communication sciences at Télécom ParisTech and the University of Rennes, Pierre Musso holds the teaching and research chair on “Modélisation des imaginaires, innovations et création” (Modeling Imaginaries, Innovations and Creation), which was established in partnership with Dassault Systèmes, Ubisoft, Orange and PSA. In Datar, he takes part in research on new technologies and territorial planning. He is a specialist of imaginaries, networks and Saint-Simonianism. He is an associate fellow and scientific advisor of the Institut d’Études Avancées of Nantes.   Télécom ParisTech Institut d’Études avancées de Nantes


The "Living" City or the Text-City

Reintegrating biodiversity into urban space raises profound questions about its natural ontological dimension. Specializing in narratives, philosopher Pierre Musso explores the history and confrontation of representations of the city as a machine or an organism, a game of metaphors that runs throughout Western thought. Seen as a giant automaton associated with industrialization, its assimilation into the living would be distinctly at variance with the onslaught of industry. The city is alive because it is creative and criss-crossed by flows of humans and materials, and also because of its vulnerability, exposed like every life-form to death by technical asphyxiation, overpopulation, or dispersion. Reliant on its networks, it is fundamentally reticular, from both practical and symbolic points of view. The success of the idea of the city also forms a counterpoint to the idea of the automatic city, the smart-city, guided by algorithms, data, and artificial intelligence. The city is thus primarily textual in nature, a medium for our imaginations, fears, and projections.


Exploring the imaginaries of the city

Pierre Musso is a philosopher, PhD in political sciences, professor of information and communication sciences at Télécom ParisTech and at the University of Rennes. He is specialized in philosophy of the imaginary, particularly in relation to new technologies and urban planning. This talk is an introduction to these concepts and their influence on the work of those who design the city.


Imaginary in a Techno-Sciences-Economy Age

The reason why the unfolding urban revolution represents such an upheaval for our societies is because it revaluates both our conventional and modern value systems, which were the foundations of the development of our societies. Western observers are overwhelmed because they have suddenly been deprived of meaning, narratives and imagery—precisely what would enable them to see themselves in this new world. Our representations of the world were neither natural nor eternal, but to understand their history and how they were formed is essential to building a new collective narrative of our dwelling on Earth. The philosopher Pierre Musso exposes the historical depth of our representations and describes the generalized technological turn in society as a major force affecting our imaginaries, but also the paramount role taken on by the networks and the cyclical play of metaphors between machine and organism that was developed to better grasp urban space. Pierre Musso is a philosopher and PhD in political sciences. He teaches information and communication sciences at Télécom ParisTech and the University of Rennes.


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