Stanislas Chaillou

Stanislas Chaillou is an architect and data scientist. His master’s thesis, entitled “AI + Architecture, Towards a New Approach,” done at the Harvard Graduate school of Design, explores the opportunities that AI offers to architects. He now teaches, lectures, and works on this subject.


Stanislas Chaillou


Harnessing AI as an architect

The researcher and data scientist explores and experiments with how architects can use artificial intelligence to enhance their practice. A foretaste of the AI & Creation conference series, for which he will host the fourth session (11/20/23), accompanied by American architects Daniel Bolojan and Andrew Witt.


AI in Architecture

Stanislas Chaillou


AI in Architecture

Artificial intelligence sparks as much enthusiasm as fear in its applications in the built and urban environment. Architect and data scientist Stanislas Chaillou puts this innovation into perspective by replacing in its technological timeline and demystifying the way it operates, which is in fact based on statistical learning. AI brings three major contributions to architects: assistance (for tedious chores), options (in the iterative design process), and the connection to context (by taking better account of local data). AI thus carries less of a risk of standardization than an opportunity to develop a style, to adapt to multiple contexts, and to vastly increase the capabilities of architects.


AI Doesn’t Replace Architects But Supports Them

Researcher and data scientist Stanislas Chaillou investigates how AI can enable architects to support and enhance their practice. A small sampler of a new book published by Éditions du Moniteur in March 2021.


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Eager to share more generously the results of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM publishes STREAM VOICES, its online magazine!

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