Building cities, deconstructing methods

“ Building cities, deconstructing methods. ”

  • Publish On 3 October 2023
  • Patrick Bouchain
  • 20 minutes

Through the act of building, architect, experimenter and 2019 Grand Prix de l’urbanisme Patrick Bouchain questions public commissioning and puts it to the test of reality. His comments echo those of Philippe Chiambaretta in Faire la ville autrement, recently published by Flammarion.




Caring for the relational city

Geographer and Director of the École Urbaine de Lyon, Michel Lussault brings attention back to the forefront of urban planning, via the One Health concept. He thinks through the pandemic, which accelerated the dematerialization of human interactions, inviting us to ponder which relations should absolutely be protected.


Care & repair for the urban future

In the current climate of instability, new ways of thinking and acting are being considered. Among them are two attitudes of care for the living and the non-living. The planning of cities and territories is the privileged field of application of these concepts, symbols of a profound reconfiguration of our relationship to the world.


A global city for the Living

Yona Friedman granted us one of his last interviews before passing away in December 2019. In this unpublished video, he questions centralization and urban density and envisions the future as the establishment of a diffuse “global city,” a position that resonates deeply in the present context.
