Episode 2/5 – Documentary “PCA-STREAM : from research to action”

  • Publish On 22 June 2017
  • 10 minutes

Episode 2/5 of the documentary “PCA-STREAM, from research to action” traces the researches carried out for STREAM 02 on new work modes and workspaces. From the subprime mortgage crisis to the new liquid form taken by work, which irremediably blurs the line between work life and private life, this episode concludes with the project #cloud, result of cross-reflection on knowledge capitalism and users’ new expectations about comfort.

In the documentary “PCA-STREAM, from research to action”, filmmaker Gilles Coudert takes his author’s perspective, a specialist in contemporary art and architecture, on the link between research and action at the heart of the practice of PCA-STREAM agency. He gives the floor to an international panel of researchers, creators and professionals associated with the work of the agency: philosophers, art critics, artists, investors, policy makers, users, etc.

Three architectural projects, realized or in progress, are taken as case studies to illustrate the conditioning of the architectural form by this collaborative exploration approach: #cloud.paris (with SFL), the Stream Building (winner of the competition « Réinventer Paris » , with Eurosic) and Shake (Euralille, with Nacarat). Those projects embody the way in which a metabolic, open and innovative vision of the city takes shape through the exchange and creation of new synergies between actors and visions to move from urban utopia to concrete realization.

A film directed by Gilles Coudert for the Lyon Architecture Biennial. A co-production PCA-STREAM and a.p.r.e.s. Production, 54 min, 2017.

With the interventions of: Nicolas Bel, engineer, specialist in urban agriculture, founder of Topager – Timothée Boitouzet, architect, entrepreneur, founder of Woodoo – Patrick Bouchain, architect and set designer – Nicolas Bourriaud, art historian, art critic and exhibition curator – Alain Bublex, artist – Thomas Camus, director of operations development at Eurosic – Philippe Chiambaretta, architect, founder of PCA-STREAM – Gilles Clément, landscape designer -Jean-Louis Cohen, architect, architecture historian, professor at Collège de France – Gilles Coudert, director, producer and publisher – Justine Culioli, assistant director of major projects at SFL – Clément Dirié, editor and art critic – Gilbert Emont, director of the Institut Palladio foundation – Julien Eymeri, strategy consultant and co-founder of Quartier Libre – Aurélien Gillier, publisher and designer, editor-in-chief of STREAM 02 – Bertrand Julien-Laferrière, former general manager of SFL – Thomas Lierman, CEO of Nacarat – Éric Mangion, artistic director of the National Contemporary Art Center Villa Arson – Ariane Michel, artist and filmmaker – Jean-Louis Missika, Deputy Mayor of Paris, in charge of town planning, architecture, the Greater Paris project, economic development and attractiveness – Yann Moulier-Boutang, economist and essayist, professor at UTC Compiègne and UTSEUS Shanghai – Pierre Musso, philosopher, professor at Telecom ParisTech – Julien Prévieux, artist – Julie Rouart, editor, editorial director of the art department at Flammarion – David Ruy, architect, director of SCI-Arc post-graduate program, Los Angeles – Xavier Veilhan, artist.




From lectures to learner-centered experiences, the metamorphosis of educational facilities

Driven by a race for attractiveness, campuses are becoming architectural showcases, competing with corporate headquarters to embody new values and attract curious minds. The form and function of campuses are evolving to meet the changing needs of education, where tradition meets innovation in a drive for excellence and inclusivity. We are entering a new era of higher education!


The art of artificial life

Justine Emard is a visual artist. Her installations use AI to understand the living, exploring the boundaries between organic life and artificial intelligence. Bee swarms, encephalographic recordings and prehistoric paintings become learning supports for algorithms that, contrary to dystopian imaginations, generate new supra-hyper-organisms.


Justine Emard, Nicolas Bourriaud, Pierre Pauze


Artificial Intelligence in the creation process

AI is a new form of intelligence whose development is stirring up concerns and dystopian fables. Far from replacing human intelligence, AIs are emerging as new tools to be trained, controlled and shaped to achieve the desired result. For the artist, photographer, architect, film-maker, musician or illustrator, AIs become an agent with which to collaborate, resulting in co-creation. Inaugural lecture of the “AI and Creation” series at the Stream Innovation Center.


Antoine Laugier, Thanh-Phong Lê


Aesthetic of Structures

Aesthetic of Structures is a collective work published by the Architects-Engineers & Engineers-Architects association (AAIIA). Established agencies, young practitioners, researchers and students discuss a new relationship with structures, moving away from the Vitruvian principles of utility, solidity and beauty, towards an economy of materials, reversibility of use and the reuse of materials. Here we meet two of the book’s designers: architect-engineer Antoine Laugier and graphic designer Thanh-Phong Lê, who give us an insight into the book, as an object and as a structure.


Antonin Yuji Maeno, Manon Leconte, Patrick Le Pense, Cyrille Terrolles



A symbol of the industrial revolution, the rise of metal in construction accompanied the renewal of Paris under Haussmann. Its origins in blast furnaces is associated with a high carbon footprint. Yet it is still widely used in facades, and seems promising for circular economy, as it is easy to dismantle. But is this enough of an advantage? As part of the City Metabolism Chair supported by the Université Paris Sciences & Lettres.  


Michael Gaultois, Xavier Baris, Mathieu Merlet Briand, Benoit Roman


Neo composites

With Mathieu Merlet Briand, artist, Benoit Roman, research director at the CNRS, Xavier Baris from Kairos and Michael Gaultois, Chief Scientific Officer of Fairmat. With the growing disenchantment of the public and designers alike with plastic, perceived as the offspring of the oil years and the symbol of a disposable world, the development of new materials that respond to contemporary challenges by proposing circular production schemes is long overdue. The Deeptech ecosystem is struggling to get off the ground in France, given the investment required. The government and the regions are encouraging research and entrepreneurial initiatives such as the FLOWER project to develop composites made from flax fibre, a plant widely grown in France. What are the neo-composites of tomorrow? What new mythologies do they invoke?    


“ What will Paris be like under 50°C? How can we postpone this scenario and be better prepared for it? ”

Paris at 50°C

Alexandre Florentin


“ What will Paris be like under 50°C? How can we postpone this scenario and be better prepared for it? ”

Paris at 50°C

Our dense, mineral-rich capital is ill-suited to the extreme heat we’ll increasingly have to cope with. So what adaptation strategies can we implement? This is what we asked to Alexandre Florentin, Paris councillor responsible for resilience and climate issues. He chaired the “Paris at 50 degrees” mission, which delivered its report a few months ago: what fields of action for architects and urban designers?


Aurélie Mossé, Marie Sarah Adenis, Simon Trancart


Living matter

With Marie Sarah Adenis, artist, Aurélie Mossé, research professor at ENSAD, and Simon Trancart, Head of Adaptative Laboratory Evolution at Ginkgo BioWorks. Wood is often referred to as a living material because it reacts to ambient humidity and develops a patina. However, when a tree is cut down to exploit its wood, it dies and ceases to photosynthesise. What other forms of living matter can we cultivate and grow to build and create, and what ethics should we apply? What does the future hold for organic materials that can regenerate rapidly or perhaps never die and continue to evolve as living matter? From the colourimetric properties of microbes to the use of algae to develop alternative chemical reactions to form cements and ceramics that emit less carbon, what possibilities does living matter offer us for rethinking creation?
