• Publish On 18 October 2023
  • 63 minutes

We have never collected so much data in cities. The public space is thus subjected to a real “dataification”. But how can we explain this massive capture? What is it about? And what does it tell us about our time?

An inaugural lecture by Olivier Aïm, lecturer at Sorbonne University and author of Les Théories de la Surveillance, followed by an afterwork co-organized with Yourban, The Swarm Initative and The Good AI.




An argument for Data unions

Emerging Leaders


An argument for Data unions

These days we are generating a lot of data simply by carrying our phones around and consenting cookies on websites. While some of the data collected can be accessed by researchers for social good, other data is being used to provide targeted advertisements. Companies buy and sell our data, what is currently lacking is a mechanism for individuals to get a grasp of where their personal data is being used and for what purpose. An article by Saulė Gabrielė, Nadia Leonova and Lukas Utzig, Urban AI’s Emerging Leaders. Discover the extended version, Who owns your data ? 


Representing Data

Refik Anadol


Representing Data

While the Anthropocene confronts us with our indissociable connection with Earth, for Refik Anadol we are living in an hybrid reality born out of the ubiquity of technological systems. He is engaged in the quest for a universal language to express this new era where the real and virtual worlds are intertwined, experimenting through prospective forms of representation which materialize data sets.


The invisible labor of Data and Men

Jérôme Denis is a research professor at the Center for the Sociology of Innovation at Mines ParisTech. He examines the invisible work required by data processing (including in urban contexts), as well as on an approach to maintenance grounded in care. The focus afforded to material fragility, far from stabilizing the condition of objects, becomes inextricably involved in their future.
