What do Japanese gardens and bonsaization tell us about the “special” relationship between humankind and the living world? Isn’t it a way of imposing a procedure on the botanical world and of satisfying a form of dominance?
Talking about mediance and trajection does not mean that the polarity between nature and culture doesn’t exist in Japan. The concrete polarity of mediance is not a hybridity where nature and culture are amalgamated either. Concretely, there is always some degree of interpretation of the environmental given by a given culture in a human milieu, an interpretation that is historically structured in what Buddhism called sesetsu, that is, a certain arrangement, what Michel Foucault would later call a “dispositive.”
In mediance, the pole of “nature” only manifests itself through the norms of this arrangement, something called a kata in Japanese. Each one of the traditional Japanese arts has developed its own kata, for instance the gardening arts and bonsai, which both exalt nature, shizen, but express it according to the kata of a certain human milieu, that of Japan.
The forms of this arrangement are, by definition, irreducible to the true nature of the ecosystems by themselves. A Japanese garden is not nature per se any more than the ecumene is the biosphere: art is added to it and art is techno-symbolic and always imposes its own arrangement on “nature.”
What can “modernity” signify in a Japanese thought that insists on the indivisibility of the relationship between humankind and nature? How can the ecological damage that has nonetheless been occurring in Japan since the beginning of the twentieth century be explained?
Modernity, kindai, is viewed as a historic import from the West. It is in this sense that the so-called philosophical school of Kyoto spoke of “overcoming modernity,” kindai no chōkoku, which is about overcoming the West and more specifically Western dualism.
But Japan imported this modernity on its own terms during the Meiji era and it was not imposed on the country, which is precisely why it managed to modernize so rapidly. Hence the ambivalences and internal contradictions that have transpired in its recent history, particularly during the “era of high growth,” which lasted from 1955 to 1973, when modern capitalism—in the so-called seizaikan collusion between big business, politicians, and the public administration—cornered and devastated the archipelago, in a glaring contradiction with the traditional love and respect for nature. Yet, it is precisely because Japanese mediance did not separate nature from culture that society took so much time to become aware of this devastation and its purely human causes.
Apart from a few forerunners, this only really happened with the “residents’ movement” (jūmin undo) in the second half of the 1960s, through the ecological issues coming from the West. This led to the “Big Four” pollution cases in the 1970s, in which the plaintiffs won cases against the collusion of the seizaikan, thus putting the brakes on the methods of the era of high growth.
In this time of ecological urgency, what forms of mediance could be imagined to reinvent Western urbanism in its own distinctive sociability and culture?
Mediance is a universal existential structure, but the concrete forms it takes have always been specific to one milieu or another. There is therefore no catch-all recipe in the arrangement of concrete milieus but in fact only solutions that can be defined on a case-by-case basis.
The absurdity of modern dualism denied mediance and imposed on all milieus the abstraction that Mies van der Rohe referred to as a “universal space.” This abstract geometry is embodied in what Henry Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson called in the 1930s the International Style: the same parallelepipeds are spread all over the world. The so-called reaction of post-modernism was nothing more than a peroration of the same principle, substituting the modernist imperative of “The same thing everywhere!” with the new motto of “Anything, anywhere!” The result is what Rem Koolhaas calls the “junkspace,” while cynically milking it for his personal gain. Architects become transcendent beings that project their ego by means of individual architectural statements that disregard urban composition when architecture should in fact proceed from history and the milieu.
We want to feel the connection with the things around us. Architectural recipes won’t be enough to lift us out of this junkspace. We need a revolution that is both ontological and logical to overcome dualism and the principle of the excluded middle.
Simply rejecting dualism is impossible given modern individualism, which also originates from the Cartesian cogito, that is, from the same denial of our mediance; but for the same reason, overcoming dualism by recognizing that reality is always trajective shall also, ipso facto, overcome modern individualism.
This is what the mesological paradigm proposes. In the fields of architecture and urbanism, this means respecting history and the milieu, not by slavishly mimicking past forms but by creating new ones from the mediance of each place, by pursuing its history rather than ignoring it or “deep-freezing” it.
This attitude is the exact opposite of modern architecture and urbanism, which have brutally brought together in a binary logic both the tabula rasa and the “mummy,” that is, the embalming of ancient forms.
What used to be called urban composition had nothing to do with these kinds of juxtapositions, which have only given rise to the a-cosmism of the junkspace. To overcome this situation and to restore meaning both to our cities and our countryside, we must radically eradicate the abstraction of dualism and return to concrete milieus. This calls for the recognition of the structural ternarity of reality, which is none other than the eco-techno-symbolic trajection of our own existence: our mediance.
Brief bibliography:
Augustin BERQUE, Écoumène. Introduction à l’étude des milieux humains [untranslated in English as of yet, literally Ecumene—Introduction to the Study of Human Milieus], Paris, Belin, 2000 (paperback edition in 2008);
(with Maurice Sauzet) Le sens de l’espace au Japon. Vivre, penser, bâtir, Paris, Arguments, 2004 [untranslated in English as of yet, literally The Sense of Space in Japan—To Live, to Think, to Build];
Histoire de l’habitat idéal, de l’Orient vers l’Occident [untranslated in English as of yet, literally The History of the Ideal Habitat/Housing, from East to West], Paris, Le Félin, 2010 (paperback edition in 2016);
La mésologie, pourquoi et pour quoi faire ?, [untranslated in English as of yet, literally Mesology, Why and for What Purpose?], Nanterre La Défense, Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2014.
This article was initially published in Stream 04 – The Paradoxes of the living in November 2017.
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