Reinventing the training of architects

  • Publish On 23 April 2017
  • Hernan Diaz Alonso
  • 3 minutes

This interview of Hernan Diaz Alonso at his architectural practice “Xefirotarch” in Los Angeles also features the facilities of SCI-Arc, an experimental School of Architecture. According to Hernan Diaz Alonso, the rise of technologies has changed cities, people and ways to communicate, having a tremendous impact on architecture. He explains how SCI-Arc pushes towards a more collective approach of authorship in relation to technology.




Training Citizen Architects to Serve a Community

Designing an inclusive city implies involving their residents in urban projects, but what is the role of architects and urban planners in this process? For Andrew Freear, the head of the Rural Studio program, they both have the ethical responsibility of getting locally involved via concrete projects. Architectural schools must thus take on training citizen architects by engaging them in learning by doing, and thus have them redevelop a deep connection with context and places, acting as neighbors and activists within communities in order to collectively carry out experimental projects that tangibly improve society and the environment.


Building Consensus on AI-driven Urban Design

Though AI is revolutionizing the practice of architecture, it follows the increasing digitalization that has been unfolding since the 1980s. Kent Larson was one of its pioneers. Alongside the City Science research group at MIT, he explores how data can help imagine production processes and innovative forms of urban governance stemming from an evidence-based approach and favoring consensus-building through modeling. He views this holistic approach to the complexity of urban reality as the only one that could bring about genuine change, though it raises the issue of the quality and control of data. He also calls for community databases offering an alternative to surveillance capitalism.


AI Doesn’t Replace Architects But Supports Them

Researcher and data scientist Stanislas Chaillou investigates how AI can enable architects to support and enhance their practice. A small sampler of a new book published by Éditions du Moniteur in March 2021.
