

Watch the replay of the "Wood" conference !

26 June 2024

France has the 4th largest forest area in Europe, yet 40% of its timber is imported. At a time when Google’s London headquarters, designed in 2016 with a solid wood structure, has still not been delivered, and when the tallest wooden tower is due to be built in Tokyo in 2028, reaching a height of 100 metres, where does France stand in relation to wood? The RE2020, through the dynamic life cycle analysis, encourages the use of bio-sourced materials to promote the storage of biogenic carbon in buildings. The SNBC is explicitly banking on this sector to achieve its 2050 targets. However, the Paris Fire Brigade doctrine published in 2021 greatly complicates its use in architecture. How can these contradictions be overcome?   With Christine Deleuze, Director of Carbon Strategy at the ONF, Christophe Aubertin, co-founder of the Studiolada collective, Anna Le Corno, artist (to be confirmed) and Clément Quineau, head of technical affairs at the UICB and Eñaut Jolimon de Haraneder, CEO of Alki.  


Stream Voices: “The network is alive” — networks and those who maintain them

26 June 2024

The French underground and aerial landscape is made up of approximately 910,000 km of drinking water distribution pipes, and over 1.4 million km of power lines. Indispensable in our daily lives, they are nonetheless invisible and increasingly questioned in the light of ecological and technological challenges that are transforming our territories. But can’t these infrastructures be seen as a heritage to be maintained and cared for? A new article by Hadif Ait Sidi Hammou.



24 June 2024

In the historic financial district of Paris, PCA-STREAM is rehabilitating BERGÈRE ❌ PARIS, a building emblematic of the major banking sites of the late 19th century. The ambition is to revitalise the serene, classical architecture of the complex, but also to enrich it with a variety of programmes that reintegrate it into Parisian life: from a safe building, BERGÈRE ❌ PARIS is becoming a complex that is open to users and local residents.


Stream Voices: Soil as an environment, property as an inhabiting capacity

19 June 2024

Elissa Al Saad is an architect and laureate of the 2023 Palladio Fellowships for her thesis on soil as an environment. By comparing different possible forms of land appropriation, she raises the issue of preserving land resources in relation to ownership. The aim is to think of property as a support for a way of inhabiting that considers land as a common good.


Stream Voices: living matter and metamorphosis of educational spaces

17 June 2024

Eager to share more generously the fruits of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM has been publishing STREAM VOICES for 3 years, the digital research and innovation magazine that explores the metabolic city. Discover the new format, now bi-monthly! Contents of issue 05 of this 10th season: — 1 video: ‘Working with living matter’ by Aurélie Mossé — 1 article: ‘From lectures to learner-centered experiences, the metamorphosis of educational facilities’ by François Collet for PCA-STREAM Read and watch it now!


Aesthetic of structures

14 June 2024

Aesthetic of Structures is a collective work published by the Architects-Engineers & Engineers-Architects association (AAIIA). Established agencies, young practitioners, researchers and students discuss a new relationship with structures, moving away from the Vitruvian principles of utility, solidity and beauty, towards an economy of materials, reversibility of use and the reuse of materials. Here we meet two of the book’s designers: architect-engineer Antoine Laugier and graphic designer Thanh-Phong Lê, who give us an insight into the book, as an object and as a structure.  


The conference « SOIL » is now available for replay !

12 June 2024

Although earth is used as a building material in many parts of the world, it has often been regarded as a waste product in France in recent decades, with little use being made of excavated earth. However, its thermal and hygrometric properties, its extremely low carbon footprint when used raw, its abundance and the natural variations in colour that it offers in every region make it a rich and inspiring material for today’s architects and designers. How can we adapt our building techniques to bring this material into line with contemporary requirements, and get rid of the vision of primitive housing that it still evokes for many people? With Emmanuelle Déchelette, founder of Déchelette Architecture, Lucie Ponard, designer, Thomas Gaudron from Société du Grand Paris and Jean-Claude Morel, director of research at ENTPE (in videoconference).


Stream Voices: feminist architecture and living beings

3 June 2024

Eager to share more generously the fruits of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM has been publishing STREAM VOICES for 3 years, the digital research and innovation magazine that explores the metabolic city. Discover the new format, now published fortnightly! Contents of issue 04 of this 10th edition: — 1 video: ‘Exploring the possibilities of a feminist architecture’ by Iris Handschin — 1 article: ‘Living beings’ by the LVAO collective, La Vie à l’Œuvre (Life at Work) Read and watch it now!


More vegetation, more pedestrian areas, more entertainment... 150 proposals to revitalise the Champs-Elysées

28 May 2024

‘Architect Philippe Chiambaretta, commissioned by the Comité Champs-Elysées, which brings together all the economic players, has unveiled 152 proposals to the City of Paris, the result of a highly documented 1,800-page technical study carried out over five years to reenchant the area.


The conference "MÉTAL" is now available for replay !

24 May 2024

A symbol of the industrial revolution, the rise of metal in construction, used for the halls of major railway stations, and in urban spaces, through public furniture, accompanied the renewal of Paris under Haussmann. Its origins in blast furnaces bind it to an imaginary carbon footprint, sometimes justifiably so, since the carbon footprint of aluminum can be multiplied by 10 depending on where it is produced. How can we rethink our production chain and exploit the recyclability of most metals? While metal is still widely used in facades, it is becoming rarer in structures. In terms of the circular economy, however, it’s a promising material because it’s easy to disassemble. Is this enough of an advantage? With Antonin Yuji Maeno, founder of Cutwork, Manon Leconte, founder of Maximum Architecture, Patrick Lepense, Product & Segment Lead Manager at ArcelorMittal and President of Construire Acier and Cyrille Terrolles, Director of Innovation at GHM Eclatec.


Stream Voices: networks and sewers

19 May 2024

Eager to share more generously the fruits of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM has been publishing STREAM VOICES for 3 years, the digital research and innovation magazine that explores the metabolic city. Discover the new format, now published fortnightly! Contents of issue 03 of this 10th edition: – 1 article: ‘The network is alive – networks and those who maintain them’ by Hafid Ait Sidi Hammou – 1 podcast: ‘What sewers say about us’ by Catherine Carré and Thomas Thiebault Read and listen now!


Nose to nose with the world

19 May 2024

Never once has Sissel Tolaas, Norwegian artist, chemist, linguist and researcher, uttered the word “perfume”. For the past twenty-five years, she has been collecting, inventing and breathing new life into smells, refusing to be part of the world’s aseptisation. Through her olfactory installations, she invites us to sense reality, its geography and its temporality. Most recently, she has recreated the smell of Pompeii, between sensory experience and memory of the past.


Downscaling energy

16 May 2024


Downscaling energy

16 May 2024

How are territories coping with reduced energy capacity? Five researchers presented their work at the Downscaling Energy study day organized at the agency by the Labex Futurs Urbains’ City and Energy working group. Research topics included Beirut, the impact of Hurricane Irma on the French island of Saint-Denis, resource management in the Middle Ages, the 1973 oil crash and the current environmental crisis.


What will Paris be like under 50°C ?

10 May 2024

Our dense, mineral-rich capital is ill-suited to the extreme heat we’ll increasingly have to cope with. So what adaptation strategies can we implement? This is what we asked to Alexandre Florentin, Paris councillor responsible for resilience and climate issues. He chaired the “Paris at 50 degrees” mission, which delivered its report a few months ago: what fields of action for architects and urban designers?


Inauguration of Versailles' new Tourist Office

6 May 2024

PCA-STREAM, the City of Versailles and Versailles Grand Parc are proud to inaugurate the new Versailles Tourist Office! In the run-up to the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, the new tourist office is designed to welcome millions of tourists to the town and its château, while enabling them to discover the wealth of cultural attractions Versailles has to offer. In dialogue with a contemporary garden by landscape architect Nicolas Gilsoul and a sculpture of Molière by artist Xavier Veilhan, PCA-STREAM reinterprets the classic figure of the pavilion with a sober, minimalist building that combines modernity and classicism with a low-carbon ambition.


Stream Voices : structures and soils

5 May 2024

Eager to share more generously the fruits of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM has been publishing STREAM VOICES for 3 years, the digital research and innovation magazine that explores the metabolic city. Discover the new format, now published fortnightly! Contents of issue 02 of this 10th edition: — 1 video: ‘Aesthetics of structures’ by Antoine Laugier and Thanh Phong Lê — 1 podcast: ‘’Soil as an environment, property as an inhabiting’ by Elissa Al Saad Listen and watch now!


The art of artificial life

2 May 2024

Justine Emard is a visual artist. Her installations use AI to understand the living, exploring the boundaries between organic life and artificial intelligence. Bee swarms, encephalographic recordings and prehistoric paintings become learning supports for algorithms that, contrary to dystopian imaginations, generate new supra-hyper-organisms.


The melody of the living

26 April 2024


The melody of the living

26 April 2024

Frédéric Jiguet is an ornithologist and professor at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. In particular, he leads the STOC program: Suivi Temporel des Oiseaux Communs (Temporal Monitoring of Common Birds), which aims to understand the impacts of global change and the consequences of human activities on birds. We met him in situ, capturing the conflict between nature’s songs and urban noise.


Stream Voices: Artificial intelligence and Paris under 50°C

22 April 2024

For the past 3 years, PCA-STREAM has been publishing STREAM VOICES, the digital research and innovation magazine that explores the metabolic city. To share more generously the fruits of its collaborations and research, discover the new format, now published fortnightly! Contents of issue 1: — The art of artificial life” by visual artist Justine Emard — Paris at 50 degrees” by Alexandre Florentin, Paris councillor


Watch the replay of the "STONE" conference

17 April 2024

The use of stone in construction declined during the 20th century. Today, its return is acclaimed for its qualities: inertia, durability, low-emission processing, local presence… with what techniques and applications in 2024? Introduction to the series by Elisabeth Bouchaud, materials physicist and playwright. With Cyril Pressacco, architect and co-founder of the Barrault Pressacco agency, Denis Macrez, artist, Ana Hedan, Director of Prescriptions at Rocamat and Paul Vergonjeanne, doctoral student in architecture.
