
  1. Architecture-EN
  2. Build
    1. Fabrique de l'Art
    2. La Source Vive
    3. Bobigny Courthouse
    4. Grande Armée
    5. The Link
    6. The “Champs-Élysées — history & perspectives” study
    7. 175 Haussmann
    8. Stream Building
    9. emlyon business school
    10. Tourist Office of Versailles
    11. 175 Haussmann — Lazard
    12. 15 Laborde
    13. 8 Laborde — Gide Loyrette Nouel
    14. 52 Champs-Élysées — Interiors
    15. Stream Café
    16. 52 Champs-Élysées
    17. 32-34 Marbeuf
    18. ShAKe
    19. Bonne Nouvelle
    20. 15-25 Amiral Bruix
    22. ACTE VII
    23. Canopy
    24. 32-34 Marbeuf — Interiors
    25. Paris Centre police headquarters
    26. MOCO — Contemporary art center
    27. 103 Grenelle
    28. Tour Bretagne
    29. Center for Contemporary Creation in Tours
    30. Pinchuk Art Centre
    31. 360
    33. Be Issy
    34. PCA-STREAM Office
    35. 8 Penthièvre
    36. 8 Penthièvre — Interiors
    37. La Fondation
    38. Café Joyeux
    39. Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie
    40. Aéroville
    41. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
    42. Talleyrand
    43. Les Ardoines
    44. Transvaal
    45. Light room
  3. Contacts EN
  4. Crédits EN
  5. Explore EN
    1. Acoustics
    2. Aesthetics of sustainability
    3. Algorithms
    4. Animals
    5. Anthropocene
    6. Architectural transition
    7. Art
    8. Art-science dialogue
    9. Artificial intelligences
    10. Biobased
    11. Bioclimatic
    12. Bioclimatic design
    13. Biodiversity
    14. Care
    15. Chronotopies
    16. Circularity
    17. Collective
    18. Data & Design Technology
    19. Design technology
    20. Eating
    21. Ecosystems
    22. Energy
    23. Experiencing nature
    24. EXPLORE
    25. Heat-island effect
    26. Heritage
    27. Indicators
    28. Inhabiting
    29. Landscape
    30. Learning
    31. Life cycles
    32. Living
    33. Living systems
    34. Low-carbon
    35. Low-carbon construction
    36. Materials
    37. Metabolism
    38. Mixed-use
    39. Modeling
    40. Modularity
    41. Narratives
    42. Nature-based solutions
    43. New aesthetics
    44. New imaginaries
    45. New narratives
    46. New uses
    47. Off-site construction
    48. Optimization
    49. Parametric design
    50. Plants
    51. Prospective
    52. Reconstructing territories
    53. Rehabilitation
    54. Reuse
    55. Reversibility
    56. Rythms
    57. Serendipity
    58. Sobriety
    59. Societal transformations
    60. Soil
    61. Soundscape
    62. Stream 01
    63. Stream 02
    64. Stream 03
    65. Stream 04
    66. Stream 05
    67. Stream Voices 01
    68. Stream Voices 02
    69. Stream Voices 03
    70. Stream Voices 04
    71. Stream Voices 05
    72. Stream Voices 06
    73. Stream Voices 07
    74. Stream Voices 08
    75. Stream Voices 09
    76. Stream Voices 10
    77. STREAM VOICES 11
    78. STREAM VOICES 12
    79. Technical systems
    80. Transdisciplinary
    81. Trees
    82. Urban agriculture
    83. Urban data
    84. Well-being
    85. Wood construction
    86. Working
  6. Explorez-tout EN
    1. Architecture is a political practice
    2. Beautiful like an encounter on the glass roof of colored clouds
    3. Educating Citizen Architects: for a meaningful architecture
    4. Reshaping myths to reveal pressing realities
    5. The potential of the night
    6. Recycling urine to fertilize the soil
    7. Machine system
    8. Reusing turbine blades : the winds of change
    9. Air in architecture
    10. Micro lives and giga solutions
    11. Viollet-le-Duc, an inspired vision of restoration
    12. Site-specific art, invading architecture
    13. Perspectives
    14. Living matter
    15. Neo composites
    16. Wood
    17. Soil
    18. Rethinking the Campus: Balancing Tradition and Innovation
    19. From lectures to learner-centered experiences, the metamorphosis of educational facilities
    20. Working with living matter
    21. Metal
    22. Exploring the possibilities of a feminist architecture
    23. Living Beings
    24. Collective Intelligence in the Making
    25. "The network is alive" — Networks and those who maintain them
    26. Restoration, transformation, maintenance
    27. What sewers say about us
    28. Stone
    29. Aesthetic of Structures
    30. Soil as an environment, property as an inhabiting capacity
    31. The art of artificial life
    32. Paris at 50°C
    33. Artificial Intelligence in the creation process
    34. Story-telling as a meta skill
    35. Which architecture for the ephemeral?
    36. Exploring methodologies to understand the living city
    37. Experimenting with environmental art
    38. Nose to nose with the world
    39. Looking at the city from a gender perspective
    40. Downscaling Energy
    41. "It will be upon a time", said science fiction to the city
    42. The melody of the living
    43. Displaced villages, uprooted populations
    44. Vulnerability as an inclusive principle
    46. Spotlight on the city
    47. STREAM : a research opus founded 14 years ago
    48. Applying a research approach in an architectural practice
    49. Establishing regenerative synergies
    50. The client and the architect
    51. An overview of architectural research
    52. Piloting the "City-Metabolism" Chair
    53. Harnessing AI as an architect
    54. Building cities, deconstructing methods
    55. Defining the "Metabolic City"
    56. Is the city going round in circles?
    57. Animals in Paris
    58. The eco-acoustic landscape of La Défense
    59. AI facing complex urban environments
    60. Flows in images
    61. What Leboncoin tells us about urban exodus
    62. Representing modularity
    63. City-Metabolism Chair
    64. Enhancing a territory through creation
    65. The challenges of contemporary justice architecture
    66. Co-creating a learning society
    67. The Urban Fable of Informality
    68. Sustainable Materialities in Construction
    69. Measuring the Urban Metabolism
    70. Designing Soundscapes
    71. Exotic trees in the City
    72. Printing Concrete to Save Material
    73. Modeling the City Using Proteins
    74. Meteorology as a Model of Thinking
    75. Prospectives and Retrospectives of Office Developments
    76. An argument for Data unions
    77. Design with care, interview with Antoine Fenoglio and Cynthia Fleury
    78. Root gardening
    79. Maximizing reuse, minimizing transformation
    80. Talking Data
    81. Cities, both a problem and a solution
    82. Conceiving the urban environment as an ecosystem
    83. A "third place" research lab
    84. Technologies and metabolic city
    85. Is plastic getting a facelift?
    86. Don't forget to feed your pet-painting!
    87. Are we in the midst of monetizing nature?
    88. Coworkworlds, communities of experience
    89. Histories and imagineries of climate change
    90. Nature-based solutions
    91. The difficult measure of well-being
    92. At the roots of “Urban Metabolism”
    93. Design with care
    94. Examine the past to fix the present
    95. The invisible labor of Data and Men
    96. A contemporary planetarium
    97. Building for the living
    98. Cardboard landscapes
    99. Rootless gardens
    100. Reinhabiting the bioregions
    101. Urban metamorphosis
    102. Organizing time, gaining access to space
    103. Geoglasswork: territories of materials
    104. The language of forests
    105. Does the company cafeteria still have a future?
    106. Global thought, Local innovations
    107. Experimenting with new modes of representation
    108. A Multilevel Approach to Care
    109. The Urban Commons: Cement of the "Contributory City"
    110. Demystifying and Repoliticizing Urban Data
    111. In the School of the Urban Anthopocene
    112. Inclusive Intelligence
    113. Urban Co-evolutions
    114. From Weak AI to Organic Artificial Intelligence
    115. Reinventing Ways of Learning
    116. Design with care
    117. Sharing an Understanding of Urban Complexity
    118. Considering Separation Beyond Dualism
    119. Paving the way for the future through biomimicry
    120. Project-based regeneration
    121. A new legal framework for nature
    122. Interconnecting sciences
    123. Developing and Disseminating a New Ecosystemic Law
    124. Arguing for Spatial Intelligence
    125. Transforming the City into a Museum for Contemporary Nature
    126. The RER A Regional Express Railway: walking as a design tool
    127. Towards an organic Artificial Intelligence
    128. Building Consensus on AI-driven Urban Design
    129. AI in Architecture
    130. Animistic Intelligence: the In-Between Network of the Living and the Machine
    131. In Search of Nature-Based Solutions
    132. The University of Innovation
    133. Strategies for Urban Sustainability
    134. Inhabiting Urban Mobility
    135. Global Imagination, Local Action
    136. Rethinking Urban Spaces through Gender Mainstreaming
    137. Training Citizen Architects to Serve a Community
    138. The Time of Trees
    139. Ecofeminist Art: on the concepf of heritage
    140. Toward the Aerocene Era
    141. Toward a wild Renaissance
    142. Beyond Singular Intelligence
    143. Representing Data
    144. Collective Intelligence in The Making
    145. Borrowing The Eyes and Protocols of The Other
    146. Representing the Invisible City
    147. A common language for art, science and nature
    148. How to reconcile plantations and constructions in cities
    149. Design: Reparation
    150. The gardener's intelligence
    151. Dream of the Aerocene
    152. The challenges of timber construction in addressing the climate emergency
    153. Organic design: towards new artefacts
    154. Collaborating with situations
    155. The future is in the forest
    156. Giving a sense to fiction
    157. Reactivating heritage and the local neighborhood through art
    158. Investigating, collecting, prefiguring: the case of Marseille's MuCEM
    159. Museums as generators of viewpoints
    160. Building the City, Deconstructing the Method
    161. Care & repair for the urban future
    162. Designing a façade like a membrane
    163. The construction of collective intelligence
    164. When Architecture Conveys a Narrative
    165. An Attempt to Drain Places
    166. Caring for the relational city
    167. Revaluing vulnerability
    168. AI Doesn’t Replace Architects But Supports Them
    169. Reversing the image of the world
    170. Manipulating the Living?
    171. Dwelling, Hopsitality of the Living
    172. A global city for the Living
    173. Design of the biosphere
    174. Revealing other presences
    175. Art and Agency in times of wetware
    176. Café Joyeux's official opening
    177. A hybrid space inaugurating modernity
    178. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel
    179. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Chiara Santini
    180. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Jean-Michel Ribes
    181. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Michel Roth
    182. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Chris Dercon
    183. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Jennifer Flay
    184. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Christophe Léribault
    185. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Bruno Maquart
    186. Re-enchanting the Champs-Élysées — Thierry Marx
    187. Design urbain : from the living to "urban-metabolism"
    188. From "Mediance" to Places
    189. Towards an Ethic of Driving
    190. Understanding biodiversity
    191. The Biopolis
    192. A new model for the smart city
    193. Reinventing Wood
    194. Inhabiting the digital world
    195. The living in the museum
    196. Getting out of the Stupidocene
    197. Radicant Design: time, needs and experimentation
    198. Urban Psychoanalysis: from Performance to Action
    199. Landscape as Urban Mediator
    200. Favoring the Living over Form
    201. "Posthuman" Architecture
    202. Design of the Biosphere
    203. Architecture for the Living
    204. Bio-inspired Engineering
    205. Augmented Wood
    206. The "Living" City or the Text-City
    207. "Natural Artifacts" and Urban Ecosystems
    208. "Renaturing" Architecture
    209. From "Mediance" to Places
    210. Urban Metabolisms: Combining Complex Approaches
    211. Beyond Language
    212. Understanding Biodiversity
    213. Dwelling, Hospitality of the Living
    214. Towards an Ethic of Driving
    215. For a Thought of Objects
    216. Singularity of Things
    217. Escaping Humanism
    218. Manipulating the Living?
    219. Beyond the Smart City
    220. Progress of Artscience
    221. Virtual ecosystems
    222. Architectural Stakes of the Ecological Narrative
    223. Sensors "Visceralization"
    224. Our Digital Skins
    225. Aesthetics of Contingency : Materialism, Evolution, Art
    226. Art and Agency in Times of Wetware
    227. Revealing other Presences
    228. Encouraging the matter
    229. Showcasing the Living
    230. Interior Environments
    231. Humanless Art
    232. The Space between Works
    233. Rethinking the city in the era of urban society
    234. Which architecture for the ephemeral?
    235. Superposing the city
    236. Exploring the imaginaries of the city
    237. Conceiving an Art Center
    238. Le Corbusier's dystopian Paris
    239. The need for a transdisciplinary approach
    240. There will be no "end of the office"
    241. Architecture is a collaborative system
    242. How feminism and urbanism can influence each other
    243. Xavier Veilhan - The artist's relationship to architecture
    244. How to reinvent the architectural profession
    245. Episode 3/5 - Documentary "PCA-STREAM : from research to action"
    246. Episode 2/5 - Documentary "PCA-STREAM : from research to action"
    247. A right to Prosperity and Nature
    248. Episode 5/5 - Documentary "PCA-STREAM, from research to action"
    249. Episode 4/5 - Documentary "PCA-STREAM, from research to action"
    250. Episode 1/5 - Documentary "PCA-STREAM : from research to action"
    251. 52 Champs Elysées - Work in progress #1
    252. The Link : the tower that reinvents La Défense.
    253. PB22 Towers : a silhouette shaped by the sun's path
    254. Espace Océan : a new mixed-use neighborhood in Saint-Denis de la Réunion
    255. PB22 towers in the skyline of la Défense
    256. Urban interlacing of the PB22 towers
    257. PB22 towers' morphogenesis
    258. Philippe Chiambaretta
    259. Philippe Chiambaretta invited at ESSEC Business School
    260. Streamovie
    261. A Future City Vision for Detroit
    262. Reactivating Downtown Detroit
    263. New Old Cities vs Old New Cities: The City of which future?
    264. OOO : Object Oriented Ontology 
    265. Urban and digital convergence
    266. Posthuman architecture
    267. Embody the concept of blockchain
    268. When mobility transforms the city
    269. Above knowledge: the autonomous existence of objects
    270. Scenario planning for sustainable cities
    271. Learning from bioengineering
    272. Arts, sciences and sensorial design
    273. Can there be a "gardening" of cities?
    274. Reinventing the training of architects
    275. Furniture on the wake of change
    276. The City-District of Copacabana: from the modern to the contemporary
    277. The Challenges of Urban Despatialization
    278. Contemporary memories
    279. The emergence of a new sense of spatiality
    280. Inhabiting the World
    281. Interactive Collaborations
    282. Imaginary in a Techno-Sciences-Economy Age
    283. The Age of Discontinuity
    284. The malleable, adaptable metropolis: toward a temporary and temporal urbanism
    285. Coactivity : Notes for The Great Acceleration, Taipei Biennial 2014
    286. Naturalizing architecture
    287. Peri-Urban Land Stakes
    288. No One Likes A City That’s Too Smart
    289. Cities of Information
    290. Redifining the boundaries of architectural practice
    291. Complexity, multiplicity, and adapatation within ecosystems
    292. Material ecology
    293. Self-assembly & programmable materials
    294. Towards responsive environments
    295. The Commission’s Report on the Intangible Economy
    296. Interview with Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec
    297. Typological Metabolism of Urban Transitions
    298. Does the business need the workplace anymore?
    299. The office and the city: twelve propositions
    300. The « office-form »
    301. The Legacy of The Modern Movement
    302. Interview with Arik Levy
    303. Building tall: the vernaculars of capitalism
    304. From «design capitalism» to cognitive capitalism
    305. Creative ecosystems
    306. Work and Play in Experimental Architecture, 1960-1970
    307. Refuse-Notes on artistic work as social waste
    308. The workplace as a tool
    309. The Acceleration of the Economy
    310. The new architecture of organizations
    311. Producing Architecture
    312. Relational Industry and The Economy of Contribution
    313. Global City into Perspective
    314. From a City of Residents to Urban Territory: The Advancing Revolution
    315. Future of Time
    316. Living systems
    317. Multiple networks of globalization
    318. Aerotropolis: Future City Infrastructure
    319. Architectural Strategies and Globalizatio
    320. TRACTATUS ECONOMICUS -ARTISTICUS. The art and manner of Julien Prévieux, adventurer in economics.
    321. Reporting from Antarctica
    322. Cities : Idle speculations on their future
    323. The Architect as a Merchant of Signs
    324. The Media Building
    325. The Architecture Project as a Strategy
    326. Luxury and Chapels in Tokyo
    327. Shall we drink a pastis ? Or arrogance disguised as attitude
    328. Gelitin’s travel to Sofia, an interview with ourselves
    329. A new relationship with procurement
    330. Nike Town: a Corporate Situationism
    331. The creation of value through architecture
    332. Letter to Pierre Huyghe
    333. For a Radicant Art
    334. Vertical Horizons: The Expeditions of Laurent Tixador and Abraham Poincheval
    335. Journey-forms
    336. Performing the City
    337. New Perspectives for Rio de Janeiro
    338. Implementing Public Space
    339. The Hyper-Industrial Era
    340. Inhabiting the Anthropocene
    341. Sustainability with a hammer
    342. The rise of the cool office
    343. Osrever
    344. Is the office the new studio? Some artistic experiences in open space
    345. Creating hotspots for the knowledge economy
    346. Anomalies construites
  7. Interiors
  8. Mentions légales EN
  9. News EN
  10. Équipe EN
  11. Politique de confidentialité EN
  12. Research
  13. Search
  14. Le Stream Center EN
  15. The office
  16. Think EN
  17. Think | Build EN
  18. Urban strategies
  19. Vision-EN