Mathias Rollot

Architect with a diploma specific to architecture schools (DPEA) in philosophy and architecture from ENSA Paris-La-Villette in 2012 and holder of a doctoral thesis in architecture entitled Elements towards an ethics of dwelling. In the path with Günther Anders, defended in 2016 at the University of Paris-VIII under the direction of Chris Younès and Stéphane Bonzani, Mathias Rollot is a lecturer in theories and practices of architectural and urban design (TPCAU) at ENSA Nancy. He has also worked as an independent architect, as an investigating commissioner in Paris and as an expert for the European Europan competition.


Reinhabiting the bioregions

We met Mathias Rollot as part of our research on living organisms. At his request, the interview above, which was produced for Stream Voices, PCA-STREAM’s research media, is no longer available. In this video, Mathias Rollot, a PhD professor, introduced us to the concept of “bio-region”, which was devised in the 1970s in the United States as a tool to describe the possibility of inventing new ways of living. By going beyond administrative boundaries, it allows us to develop an imagination, rather than a finite cartography, of a territory to be better inhabited, to be re-inhabited.


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