

Jérôme Denis, David Pontille, Bérénice Gaussuin, Fanny Lopez


Restoration, transformation, maintenance

In this round-table discussion, the four researchers look at the issue of transition through the prism of the different notions of maintenance, transformation, repair and restoration. These concepts are reminiscent of the issues of destruction, reconstruction and rehabilitation in architecture.


“ Sewers are the mirror image of what happens on the surface. ”

What sewers say about us

Catherine Carré, Thomas Thiebault


“ Sewers are the mirror image of what happens on the surface. ”

What sewers say about us

Did you know that we have a lot to learn from sewers? Sewers contain numerous chemical indicators that provide information about the practices of people living above ground, such as the use of medicines and drugs, diet and the state of intestinal flora. By focusing on the city of Paris, the EGOUTS (sewers) research project, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), is seeking to shed light on public policy ‘through the dark side of the City of Light’.


“ How are territories coping with reduced energy capacity? ”

Downscaling Energy

Labex Futurs Urbains


“ How are territories coping with reduced energy capacity? ”

Downscaling Energy

How are territories coping with reduced energy capacity? Five researchers presented their work at the Downscaling Energy study day organized at the agency by the Labex Futurs Urbains’ City and Energy working group. Research topics included Beirut, the impact of Hurricane Irma on the French island of Saint-Denis, resource management in the Middle Ages, the 1973 oil crash and the current environmental crisis.



We have never collected so much data in cities. The public space is thus subjected to a real “dataification”. But how can we explain this massive capture? What is it about? And what does it tell us about our time? An inaugural lecture by Olivier Aïm, lecturer at Sorbonne University and author of Les Théories de la Surveillance, followed by an afterwork co-organized with Yourban, The Swarm Initative and The Good AI.


The eco-acoustic landscape of La Défense

Landscape is not just a matter of shapes and colors. It also emanates from the sensitive perception of a sound environment, however urbanized it may be. This is what Sara el Samman defends in her diploma project, awarded by the Fédération Française du Paysage. Would La Défense be the same without the sound of heels on flagstones?


AI facing complex urban environments

Hubert Beroche is the founder of the Urban AI think tank, dedicated to the field of urban artificial intelligence. He is the curator of the Eyes on the street lecture series, run together in partnership with the SCAI (Sorbonne Center for Artifical Intelligence), and explains here how urban AI can help us understand the city.


Stephane Lemoine


Flows in images

Stéphane Lemoine is an architect and urban planner. He recently published the book Mix Urbains, which questions the nature of urban travel. By analyzing flows at eight intersections around the world, he studies speeds, rhythms, interactions and trajectories to determine what makes these urban squares special.


“ What Leboncoin tells us about urban exodus. ”


“ What Leboncoin tells us about urban exodus. ”

What Leboncoin tells us about urban exodus

Alexandre Coulondre is a data and real estate market specialist and researcher at Lab’Urba (Gustave Eiffel University). To analyze the phenomena of urban exodus, he collaborated with Leboncoin, the french small ads platform, which provided him with the data needed to study local migration. A podcast to listen to, to question some of the much-mediatized theories according to which, in the wake of the pandemic, many city dwellers have left the metropolises!


Measuring the Urban Metabolism

Claire Doussard is an urban planner and researcher in the field of urban development. She focuses on measuring urban metabolisms and comparing various types of urban fabric in order to define the most environmentally friendly forms and ways of operating. Reviews and perspectives that face a great difficulty: data collection!


Modeling the City Using Proteins

Researcher Claire Lesieur works at the CNRS Ampère Laboratory on the Go Pro project, which applies a computational model developed for protein folding to urban environments. The shape-changing properties of proteins are put to use in an attempt to map out the opportunities for urban growth that don’t involve urban sprawl.


The invisible labor of Data and Men

Jérôme Denis is a research professor at the Center for the Sociology of Innovation at Mines ParisTech. He examines the invisible work required by data processing (including in urban contexts), as well as on an approach to maintenance grounded in care. The focus afforded to material fragility, far from stabilizing the condition of objects, becomes inextricably involved in their future.


Philippe Chiambaretta invited at ESSEC Business School

Interview by Ingrid Nappi-Choulet on February 23rd, 2016 at ESSEC Business School, on the occasion of the publication of Cahier # 4 : “Digital in the City of Tomorrow : What are the stakes for real estate? ” for the Chair of Real Estate and Sustainable Development – ESSEC Business School


stream voices

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