Stream Voices 02
Eager to share more generously the fruits of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM publishes STREAM VOICES, a digital research and innovation magazine that explores the making of the metabolic city.
“ Every citizen on the planet is a gardener. ”
“ Every citizen on the planet is a gardener. ”
The gardener's intelligence
Gilles Clément coined the concept of the ‘planetary garden’ which invites everyone to take care of the Earth as they would a garden. Having all too often been confronted with the sheer ignorance of how ecosystems and the living world operate, he, therefore, proposes creating a Ministry of Knowledge to lift us out of the ‘Stupidocene.’ Read transcript A PCA-STREAM production Coordination: Jasmine Léonardon Editing: Mattéo Caranta Music: Alexandre Desplat

Dream of the Aerocene
In order to help us move beyond the Anthropocene, Tomás Saraceno, an Argentinian artist imagines a new era, the Aerocene. By mobilizing science-based tools, he proposes turning away from extractive and predatory behaviors in order to try and change our habits rather than the climate. With his recent work Aerocene Pasha, he achieved the most sustainable flight in history and revealed concrete alternative actions.

The challenges of timber construction in addressing the climate emergency
The construction sector accounts for one third of France’s CO₂ emissions. This environmental footprint can be reduced by using wood, but wood only stores carbon temporarily. The challenge of sustainable construction therefore lies in a comprehensive approach that includes forest management and the durability of buildings. No ‘woodwashing’ here, but some thoughts on mixed construction!

Organic design: towards new artefacts
Confronted with environmental challenges, designers are exploring new materials that could replace plastics. Options include biodegradable, renewable, biobased, and self-growing materials. Discover three prototypes.

Collaborating with situations
The two Lebanese artists and filmmakers were awarded the 2017 Marcel Duchamp Award for Unconformities, a project currently on display at Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin. This artwork, like their approach, is based on a methodology of investigation and excavation and aims to offer another reading of history and the traces of the past.

The future is in the forest
When speaking of architecture, do you consider the architecture of trees? The famous botanist and specialist of tropical forests reflects on the growth models of trees, and interplant communication, as well as his project to recreate 70,000 ha of primary forest in Europe.

Giving a sense to fiction
Designer Ramy Fischler looks back at the Sens-Fiction exhibition, produced as part of the Lille Métropole World Design Capital event. Noting a ‘breakdown of imaginaries,’ he proposes inventing new stories to figure out desirable futures. An online exhibition to be visited here

Reactivating heritage and the local neighborhood through art
Laure Colliex spearheaded the establishment of a residence for 200 artists in a high-rise slated for refurbishment. This temporary place of creation located in Clichy is conducive to collaboration between young artists using the surrounding area as a material.

Investigating, collecting, prefiguring: the case of Marseille's MuCEM
Denis Chevallier has headed MuCEM’s Research and Education Department since its inception. An ethologist and museum curator, he was tasked with prefiguring the new museum and ran many ‘collection surveys’ to inform its exhibitions, emphasizing objects to foster connections as is key in achieving a socially relevant museum.

Museums as generators of viewpoints
Though the virtualization of museums is a corollary of the health crisis, curator Nicolas Bourriaud insists on the importance of physically meeting artworks. He postulates that the museum institution cannot be fully transformed without inventing places for community life and experiences.
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stream voices
Eager to share more generously the results of its collaborations and research, PCA-STREAM publishes STREAM VOICES, its online magazine!